The model of Ford Ranger, which you can find here in the T8 3200 L5 Duratorq version, was produced in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. In the same year Ford also marketed these models: Bronco, Edge, Expedition, Explorer, F-150, F-250, F-450, F-550, Flex, GT, Mustang, Taurus.
Ford marketed this model Ranger for the first time in 1991 and is currently in production. To date, we have included 11 different versions in the catalog, including 2 gasoline and 9 diesel.
It mounts an engine powered by Diesel and has a displacement of 3200 cc. It is also available in T8 2000 L4 Ecoblue versions.
For this version we currently have associated 632 products, but ours is an ongoing work in progress. If you do not find what you need, please contact us.The latest products we have added are as follows: Trifold TRI.448332, Fuel FC873MX22126844N, Fuel FC873MX22106818N.
For this model of Ford Ranger T8 3200 L5 Duratorq we currently have listed 32 brands marketing dedicated products, including XD Wheels, Black Rhino, KMC Wheels, American Racing, Off Trucks.
The brand of which we have associated more products for this version T8 3200 L5 Duratorq is Fuel, whose parts and accessories you can find from the categories: Wheels, Wheels, tires and parts.
To ensure the safety of the occupants and flawless operation of the vehicle, we kindly remind you that it is crucial to periodically carry out maintenance using the products recommended by the parent company. Filters should also be replaced periodically to ensure the blockage of impurities: Oil filters, Air filters, Cabin air filters.
The VIN chassis number is a 17-digit code consisting of numbers and letters that precisely identifies the motor vehicle and its parts.
This code can be found on the bottom of the front window, on a sticker located inside the driver's side door, or on the vessel registration card at letter (E).
Not all vehicles have a 17-character VIN chassis number: cars manufactured prior to 1981 have a different chassis number that only partially identifies the vehicle.
You will therefore need to provide detailed information, which we will request based on the parts/accessories needed.
If you have doubts about the compatibility of the product, by providing us with the VIN chassis number of your vehicle before placing your order, our team will verify whether the product is appropriate for the vehicle in question and send you a photo of the part identified so that you can verify that it is correct.
If the product is still not found to be compatible despite our verifications, we will guarantee all assistance in finding the appropriate solution at our expense (replacement, reinstatement, return and refund).
All products we commercialize are covered by the warranty for conformity defects in accordance with Legislative Decree 206/05 of 24 months to private consumers (natural person who buys the goods for purposes not related to his professional activity, that is, he makes the purchase without indicating in the order form a reference of VAT). For more information, please read the General Terms and Conditions.
They are also covered by the manufacturer's conventional warranty. For more information, please consult the websites of the respective manufacturers.
.Millions of codes are available on our website but it is possible that the one you are looking for has not yet been uploaded to the portal or linked to the specific vehicle.
If you do not find the product you are looking for, please feel free to contact one of our technicians for a dedicated quote.
We respond from Monday to Friday during business hours normally within 4 hours.
The VIN chassis number is a 17-digit code consisting of numbers and letters that precisely identifies the motor vehicle and its parts.
This code can be found on the bottom of the front window, on a sticker located inside the driver's side door, or on the vessel registration card at letter (E).
Not all vehicles have a 17-character VIN chassis number: cars manufactured prior to 1981 have a different chassis number that only partially identifies the vehicle.
You will therefore need to provide detailed information, which we will request based on the parts/accessories needed.
If you have doubts about the compatibility of the product, by providing us with the VIN chassis number of your vehicle before placing your order, our team will verify whether the product is appropriate for the vehicle in question and send you a photo of the part identified so that you can verify that it is correct.
If the product is still not found to be compatible despite our verifications, we will guarantee all assistance in finding the appropriate solution at our expense (replacement, reinstatement, return and refund).
All products we commercialize are covered by the warranty for conformity defects in accordance with Legislative Decree 206/05 of 24 months to private consumers (natural person who buys the goods for purposes not related to his professional activity, that is, he makes the purchase without indicating in the order form a reference of VAT). For more information, please read the General Terms and Conditions.
They are also covered by the manufacturer's conventional warranty. For more information, please consult the websites of the respective manufacturers.
.Millions of codes are available on our website but it is possible that the one you are looking for has not yet been uploaded to the portal or linked to the specific vehicle.
If you do not find the product you are looking for, please feel free to contact one of our technicians for a dedicated quote.